Beautiful spot for Holiday in Indonesia

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Tangkahan (nort Sumatera)

Tangkahan, The Hidden Paradise in North Sumatra is a nickname which to place this one. Most of us are not many who know and Tangkahan has long been known by foreign tourists, especially for those who are outside the island of Sumatra.
Though there are beautiful places that can be used as a tourist destination for those who want to enjoy the atmosphere and the natural forests are still awake
Hasil gambar untuk TangkahanTangkahan located between two villages, Namo Sialang and Sei Serdang. For people hear the word Medan Tangkahan will definitely resonated with "Elephant". Yes, indeed because Tangkahan known as a place of wild elephants and rivers that are here are very clear and still maintained clean.
Ecotourism is present in the Gunung Leuser National Park is located in Langkat. Tangkahan start crowded because of its natural scenery is stunning and freshness of the air that served to make anyone welcome to linger here.
A wide variety of trees and vegetation that grows tropical forests combined with hilly land made Tangkahan Ecotourism is not just a tourist spot but it can also be a place to learn about nature, human beings, flora and fauna.
Tangkahan forest generally is very dense where there are rivers, waterfalls, hot springs, valleys and even rare plants such as Raflessia also exist in this place. No wonder if the foreign tourists began to look at Tangkahan The Hidden Paradise in North Sumatra as a tourist destination since time immemorial
The region with the longest list of bird species in the world reached 380 species and 129 mammal species provides an opportunity for visitors to observe the various biodiversity and fauna found in the woods Tangkahan. Hill topography with cliffs suitable for those who like rock climbing, hiking, and camping.
One unique activity that is rarely found in other tourist attractions is the chance to bathe the elephants and ride while exploring the woods. After a tired day, you could try to relax the body with a hot bath or shower in a waterfall.
Almost all the tourist activities available here. This is the appeal as well as a complete package of Tangkahan The Hidden Paradise in North Sumatra. 
Not difficult to reach locations Tangkahan because the available means of transportation such as buses are ready to take you to the destination. If tourists from outside the island, on arrival in Kualanamu service, you can use Terminal to Pinang Baris Damri then proceed to Tangkahan. Journey time approximately 4-5 hours.
Tangkahan usually exist tour guides ready to deliver to places you want to visit. For the visitors who intend to stay within a few days, not to worry because it has provided various venue like Bamboo River Lodge, Green Lodge, Jungle Lodge, and Tangkahan Inn.
Hasil gambar untuk TangkahanAccording to information in the lodging price is quite affordable but still with quality and good service, only around Rp 100,000 - Rp 170,000. Not cheap enough? You will be completely pampered while in Tangkahan The Hidden Paradise in North Sumatra
If you want to ecotourism, must first pass Batang Serangan River that flows quite heavy. There is a raft as a means of crossing, try to stay alert when you ride a raft but no need to fear. Enjoy the sensation of being on a raft in the middle of the swift currents of the river.

Bukit Lawang (Lawang Hill) Nort Sumatera

Hasil gambar untuk bukit lawangBukit Lawang is situated about 120 km from the city field, can be reached using an intercity bus about 3-4 hours drive from the city center. You can use the intercity bus route from downtown, take public transportation or betor and get off at the bus station Pinang Baris, then take a bus from the terminal majors Bukit Lawang. Bus to Bukit Lawang is available from 09:00 until 17:00 pm. Then get off at the bus terminal of the Mutual Cooperation in Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang entrance is about one kilometer from the bus terminal of the Mutual Cooperation. You can use the services betor range Rp.5000 fees, or walk alone. Bukit Lawang is famous for its natural attractions amazing as it is located at the foot of Mount Leuser. If we call the Mount Leuser word, surely that is in our mind is a funny named orang utan primates. True, in sanaTerdapat views of the forest and its inhabitants chic Tubing travel, orang-utan rehabilitation center, and the flora and fauna of interest. However, the orang-utan is one of the main icons in Bukit Lawang. Utan rehabilitation center located in Gunung Leuser National Park. Primate behavior that one is able to attract local and foreign tourists to visit the park, so the park is crowded every year.
Hasil gambar untuk bukit lawangBukit Lawang is not only famous for their orang-utan rehabilitation center, but the forest on a hill mace is a place of preservation of some flora and fauna are protected. Rhinos, elephants, and tigers are the animals that inhabit the forest in Bukit Lawang. Flora is the famous flower Rafflesia Arnoldi, whose diameter can reach three meters. No less interesting is the Tubing travel. Perhaps the term is foreign to our ears, tubing is water such as river rafting, but the boats used are tires, and can be climbed only one person for one tire. Due to the location of Bukit Lawang near Bahorok river currents and swift river currents, this tour is suitable for you who love the game of adrenalin. At an affordable cost, we can rent an inner tube and one guide for this tour.
One more place to adrenaline, is the Bat Cave. In Bukit Lawang there is a cave, which contains thousands of bats. When entered the cave, no lighting alias total darkness. Suggested bring lighting equipment when signing the Bat Cave. In the cave you can feel the sensation of singing bats, dripping noises Bahorok river, and a definite odor typical bat.
Hasil gambar untuk bukit lawang

Friday 22 April 2016

Benang Stokel Waterfall, Lombok

Hasil gambar untuk air terjun benang stokel
Benang Stokel Waterfall  has two water waterfall elevation of about 30 meters. Waterfall on the left has a greater discharge than the right. Meanwhile underneath there is a small pool shelters outpouring of water that falls from above. This pool can be used for bathing and swimming. This waterfall is located at an altitude of 552 m above sea level (asl) in the area of Mount Rinjani National Park Travel.

Benang Stokel  name in the local language means the ball of string. This name was given because the shape of the waterfall resembles threads are tied together. Approximately 500 meters to the top of a location upstream Benang Stokel Waterfall, there is also a waterfall named Benang kelambu Waterfall . The waterfall is sourced directly from large springs are poking at the top of the mountain. To get to Benang Kelambu Waterfall should be along the path as far as 1 km (takes about 30 minutes) pierce the tropical forest with steep valleys and hills.

The myth developed in the community during these states, Benang Stokel Waterfall is Dewi Anjani take a bath place - a supernatural creature believed to be the caretaker of Mount Rinjani. At certain times it is said Dewi Anjani down from the mountains and then a shower and wash her hair in Benang Stokel. Therefore, many people believe those who have problems with hair, such as loss, wanted black hair, would bathe in Benang Stokel Waterfall .

Located in the hamlet of Pemotoh, Aik Berik Village, Nort of Batu keliang, Central Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Located about 30 km from Kota Mataram eastward with a travel time of about 45 minutes or 25 km to the north of the city of Praya (30 minutes). To go to the waterfall is not yet available public transportation so it must use a private vehicle or rental either two or four wheels.

Red island beach (Banyuwangi)

Hasil gambar untuk pantai pulau merah

This place has been located at the foot of the mountain where the overlapping Pitu that this place has had natural beauty marvels, Just the place is still many who do not know. Only certain people are able to enjoy the natural beauty. And these places have been located in the area banyuwangi.

Banyuwangi Located on the easternmost tip of the island of Java, exactly opposite the island of Bali, lies the city of Banyuwangi travel. Ketapang port, airport crossing daily between Java and Bali carries passengers, cars and buses, and trucks with all kinds of goods to and from Java to Attractions Banyuwangi.

Being the most eastern city in Java, this place is where the first dawn sunrise in the morning threw its rays welcome from the island of Java. Not quite popular as a tourist destination. sights in Banyuwangi, in fact, hides many gems ranging from travel in banyuwangi towering mountains, undulating waves game, which is a dream for surfers around the world. Here also live ethnic Osing is believed to speak Javanese oldest civilizations that developed the most advanced Java for centuries. To the beauty of its beaches become an attraction for foreign tourists to come to this attraction. This beach is also no less beautiful beaches in Bali, when we came here seemed to have a private beach on the coast which are rare tourists who come to his whereabouts have not been exposed to something decent.

Monday 18 April 2016

Cimahi Waterfall

Waterfall Cimahi, has a height of about 87 m, is one of the highest waterfall in Bandung and surrounding areas. Cimahi name comes from the name of the river that flows above the River Cimahi tipped in Situ (lake) and flows into the Lembang Cimahi. This waterfall is located at an altitude of 1050 m above sea level with temperatures in the region range from 18-22 degrees Celsius.
When viewed from above, this waterfall has two levels and includes unique. As the name implies cimahi alias enough water (Sundanese), the discharge of this waterfall is always the same, whether the rainy season or dry season. "However, compared to decades ago, debitnya much reduced.
Located in Jalan Colonel Masturi, Kertawangi Village, District Cisarua, West Bandung regency, West Java Province. Map and GPS Coordinat: 6 ° 47 '56.58 "S 107 ° 34' 39.34" E.
Located approximately 10 kilometers from the city of Cimahi towards Lembang or 20 km (about 1 hour) from the city of Bandung. There are several alternative roads can be selected to achieve this waterfall. Most used is the path through Cihanjuang and Parongpong Cimahi, and track Lembang.
If using a private vehicle or travel from downtown Bandung, just down a path toward Cisarua Cihideung. And if from Cimahi city center can be through Sergeant Bajuri toward Adventist University of Indonesia toward Terminal Parongpong. The location of this waterfall itself is quite easy to reach either by private vehicle or public transportation with road conditions are generally good (paved). Curug Cimahi entrance is located right next to public transportation terminals Cisarua, on a side street Colonel Masturi so it is not difficult to find it.
While for those who use public transportation can use public transport services with a major Plumbing Plumbing-Sukasari of the terminal. After arriving at Terminal Sukasari (in front of Villa Istana Bunga), can be passed on foot about 15-20 minutes or can take advantage of public transportation services Cisarua-Lembang with relatively inexpensive costs. If from Cimahi city is the easiest way of Terminal Upper Market Cimahi Cimahi-Cisarua majors with tariffs ranging from Rp 5,000.
Meanwhile, if from Bandung, can use St.Hall-Lembang transport department of the City Station, then proceed with the public transport department-Cisarua Lembang, and down right in front of the gate Wana Curug Cimahi. Or also can be taken to the terminal dperjalanan Plumbing, followed by transport-Parongpong Plumbing. From the terminal continued to wear Parongpong-Padalarang transport department. Expenses incurred about Rp 10 thousand.
Furthermore, upon arriving at the gates of ecotourism trip continued with a walk along the path descending staircase and winding. These terraces footpath (numbering about 587 pieces of stairs) are made of stone and cement with a slope of about 45 degrees, so it is quite draining and make panting. The time needed to get to this waterfall from the gate about 30 minutes. Throughout this journey will encounter some long-tailed monkeys swinging in the trees.
The admission price is Rp. 15.000, - per person with days and hours open every day from 8:00 to 18:00 pm. The parking facility for vehicles either two-wheel or four-wheel available. You can park in the small town transport terminal area which is located right on the edge of the waterfall entrance gate cimahi.
Facilities that have been provided by the manager of such shelter is located at the edge of the path from the gate to the waterfall, park, gate, safety fence, location maps, trails, picnic sites, benches, bins, information center and guardhouse, as well as the mosque and washroom. In addition there are several stalls owned by residents who sell food and beverages are usually open on busy days such as weekends and holidays.

Raja Ampat Islands

Raja Ampat Islands is a series of four adjacent islands located in the western part of the Bird’s Head (Vogelkoop) Papua Island. Administratively, this cluster is under Raja Ampat, West Papua province. The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. Four islands that are members named by the four biggest islands, namely Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island, Salawati Island and Island Batanta.
The origins and history

The origin of the name of Raja Ampat according to local myth comes from a woman who
In the course of history, the Raja Ampat has long been inhabited by the nobility and implement custom systems Maluku. In this system, a set of human society. Each village is headed by a king. Since its establishment five Muslim sultanate in Maluku, Raja Ampat claims to be part of the Sultanate of Tidore. After the Sultanate Tidore defeat of the Netherlands, the Raja Ampat Islands became part of the Dutch East Indies claims.
Raja Ampat Islands society generally traditional fishermen who lived in small villages are located far apart and different islands. They are a friendly community receive visitors from outside, especially if we bring a souvenir for them in the form of nut or candy. This stuff becomes a sort of ‘indian peace pipe’ in Raja Ampat. Events chatting with eating nut also called “Para-para Pinang” often take turns throwing each other mob, the local term for funny stories.
They are Muslims and Christians, and often within a family or clan are members embraced one of the two religions. It makes the people of Raja Ampat remains in harmony despite different beliefs.
Abundant natural resources

Raja Ampat Islands is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially dive travel. Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.
Dr. John Veron, coral experienced experts from Australia, for example, in a site it is revealed, the Raja Ampat Islands located at the westernmost tip of the island of Papua, about 50 miles northwest of Sorong, the region has the best reefs in Indonesia. About 450 species of coral had been identified during the two weeks of research in that area.
The expert team from Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, and the National Institute of Oceanography (LON) Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) once rapid assessments in 2001 and 2002. As a result, they note in these waters there are more than 540 kinds of hard corals (75% of the total species in the world), more than 1,000 species of reef fish, 700 species of molluscs, and the highest record for gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans. It makes 75% of the world’s coral species are in Raja Ampat. None of the places with the same area has a number of coral species as much as this.
There are some reefs are still very good condition with the percentage of live coral cover up to 90%, ie in Dampier Strait (strait between the island and the island Waigeo Batanta), Kofiau Islands, archipelagic Southeast Misool and Wayag Islands. Types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat is generally a fringing reef with the contours of steep ramps up. But it also found the type of atoll and the type of burns or taka. In some places like the village Saondarek, when the lowest tides, coral reefs can be seen without a dive and with his own adaptation, corals can still be alive despite being in the open air and exposed to direct sunlight.
Unique species that can be found when diving is some kind of dwarf sea horse,
Because the area of ​​many islands and narrow straits, then most of the dive at a particular time has a strong current. It is also possible to do a drift dive, dive, following the strong current with very clear water as he broke through schools of fish.
Prehistoric relics and history
In the area of ​​cluster Misool found prehistoric remains in the form of the hand stamp that is attached to a wall of rock. Uniquely, labeling this hand is very close to sea level and not in the cave. According to estimates, the age of hand labeling about 50,000 years and became part of a series of human manual deployment path of the western region of the archipelago towards Papua and Melanesia.
The rest of the wrecked plane from World War II can be found in some of the dive sites, such as on the island of Wai.
Visiting these islands is not too difficult although does take time and considerable cost. We can use the airline from Jakarta or Bali to Sorong via Makassar and Ambon and Manado for approximately 6 hours of flight. From Sorong, a fairly large city with a fairly complete facilities. To explore the Raja Ampat there are two choices, take a tour by boat or stay in a resort Phinisi Raja Ampat Dive Lodge. Although most tourists who come to Raja Ampat is currently the divers, in fact the location is attractive also for tourists non divers because it also has sandy beaches and white is very beautiful, a cluster of islands karst nan stunning and the flora and fauna unique endemic like paradise red, bird of paradise Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids.
Threats to these islands
Biodiversity in the Raja Ampat has made itself have a high level of threat as well. It can be seen from the destruction of coral reefs and forests. Damage to coral reefs in general is due to fishing activities which are not environmentally friendly such as bombs, cyanide and roots bore (liquid from the processed roots of a tree similar to fish poison).
Conservation efforts

To preserve the underwater Raja Ampat Islands, conservation efforts are indispensable in this area. There are two international organizations that concern about the preservation of natural resources Raja Ampat, namely CI (Conservation International) and TNC (The Nature Conservancy). The government has set itself the seas around South Waigeo, which includes the small islands such as Gam, Mansuar, Yeben groups and groups Batang Pele, was endorsed as a Marine Sanctuary. According to the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 81 / KptsII / 1993, the total area is 60,000 hectares.
In addition, several other marine areas have been proposed to be a conservation area. Each is a Marine Sanctuary South Misool Island, Kofiau Island,  Asian Island, Sayang Island and Ayau Island.